Welcome Back to School!!


Monday, May 30, 2011

Week of May 30 - June 3

What we did
1) Presentations
May 30
1) Photosynthesis

2) Cellular Respiration
1) Worked through main ideas of photosynthesis - Handouts
May 31
1) Presentations (2) 
1) Reviewed Photosynthesis today
2) Finished two more presentations
June 1
1) Presentations
2) Photosynthesis Role Play
3) Cellular Respiration
1) Worked through PS role play
2) Presentations
June 2

1) Cellular Respiration

Set Quiz Dates
1) Activating Prior Knowledge Cellular Respiration
a) in a group of three
b) 60 second brainstorm what do we know about Cellular Respiration
c) 10 minutes research in computer lab on what key concepts/big ideas  we learn about CR.
(Must find 1 interesting Photosynthesis fact - write on coloured paper)
d) Return to class and quick review of PS
- Where is the main energy source? SUN - Why does that matter....Why is PS important to our life on this planet?  If the world had no sun, how long could we continue to produce energy?  What would happen?
e) CR - brainstorm of what we learned - work through an introductory discussion of CR
- key thoughts
- CR produces ATP
- all prok and euk cells use it
- it's the opposite process of PS

June 3

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week of May 24 - 27

Tuesday May 24, 2011 - 
1) Today we finished up our collaborative body system presentations
2) Worked on our individual body system assessments
3) Reviewed that over the next few days you could choose to work ahead on the evolution unit package handouts.

Friday, May 27, 2011 - SUB - (NESSAC Track)
1) Spend 10 minutes and review your body system presentation.  Check in with your grade 5 through wikispaces and confirm who is presenting what parts.

2) Spend the next 30 minutes working on your human body systems individual assessments.  Email to me when complete.  Due Tuesday, May 31st

3) Work on the evolution unit worksheets.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Week of May 16-20

What we did
1) Review Transport in Cells
2) Introduce Body System project individual assessment.
3) Work with Grade 5s on developing your presentation.

**This week is dedicated to creating and practicing your body system presentation with your grade 5s and working on you assessment.  It is up to you to manage your time usage this week.
We do not have access to the netbooks next week.

1) Reviewed.

2) Introduced Assessment for the body systems project.

3) worked on presentations and assessments

May 16

1) Transport in Cells - Quiz
2) Work on Body System Project 
-develop presentation in collaboration with your group members.
- work individually on your body system assessment piece.
*** You must have a disease selected today.
May 17

1) Reminders:

 2) Work on Body System Project 
-develop presentation in collaboration with your group members.
- work individually on your body system assessment piece.
1) Corrected the quiz
2) Reviewed expectations for presentation and assessment.
3) Worked on projects

May 18

Mrs. Painchaud at a DI meeting

Work on Body System Project 
-develop presentation in collaboration with your group members.
- work individually on your body system assessment piece.

9:30 - Guest Speaker.

!) Presentations should be finalized with the grade 5s.

2) Use the time before the presentation to work on your individual assessments

May 19

SIP DAY - No School

May 20

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week of May 9-13

What we did
1) Grade 5 - Check in for Friday Experiment day.
- Finish adding your reflections and comments.
- Share your Voicethread with your group, grade 5 and 12 and share with teachers.

2) Transport in Cells Practice
- Review Hyper/Hypo/Isotonic 
1) 30 min working on posting our comments
2) Reviewed Hypo/Hyper and Isotonic solutions completed practice worksheet.
May 9
1) Grade 5 - Finish your comments, leave a comment with your grade 5

2) Transport in Cells - Practice Questions

3) Cell Membrane - parts and Fluid Mosaic Model

4) ATP
1) 20 minutes - commenting on Grade 5s and working with Voicethreads

2) Reviewed Diffusion with Factors Affecting Diffusion experiment.

3) Answered the question... Why do plants wilt?
May 10

1) Grade 5 - Finish up comments

2) Transport in Cells Practice

3) Cell Membrane - parts and Fluid Mosaic Model

4) ATP

May 11


1) Reviewed Transport in Cells
2) Worked on project with Grade 5s
May 12

1) Reviewed Transport in Cells
2) ATP
3) Worked on project with Grade 5s
- decided on presentation tool, started to assign topics.
May 13