Welcome Back to School!!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Week of May 28 - June 1


What we did

Part 4 - Monohybrid Crosses

2) Start Monohybrid Cross Question.

Monohybrid Cross Questions - includes links to answers

**Remember don't do all of the questions at level 1 if you get the first ones right, same at level 2, try more at level 3.

3) If you are finished you can search for a genetic engineering related arctile to share in class.

4) If you are finished, then you can search for Mitosis and Meiosis videos to share with the class when we reach that section.
May 28
1) Genetics Challenge - Sickle Cell Anemia
2) Evolution Question
3) Reviewed Gregor Mendel information
4) Practiced Monohybrid Crosses (exit slip)
May 29
1) Genetics Challenge
2) Evolution Question
3) Review Monohybrid Crosses
4) Dihybrid Crosses
1) Genetics discussion today was about Autosomal Dominant traits.  We discussed Huntington's disease.
2) Corrected Evolution Question #4
3) Reviewed Monohybrid Crosses
4) Started Reviewing Dihybrid Crosses
May 30
1) Genetics Challenge
2) Evolution Question

3) Dihybrid Crosses

4) Overview of Friday
1) Worked through dihybrid cross questions.
2) Reviewed the plan for Friday.
May 31
SUB - Provincial Track

1) Complete the practice Dihybrid Cross Questions
- you can self correct the questions here and then hand into the sub with the corrections and the questions that you have. Answer check

2) Complete the Genetic Traits Survey - Turn to the chart on page three and just complete the chart.  On Monday we will go through this and see how unique you are.

3) Search for informatin on the various stages of Mitosis and Meiosis.
- consult the worksheet for suggested focus areas.

You might want to check out:
Mitosis by Bozeman Biology

Meiosis by Bozeman Biology

Mitosis and Meiosis Simulation

Cell Cycle, Mitosis & Meiosis

***Please note that if you are struggling with the four questions, you can check the answer key posted. If you are still stuck, review your dihybrid cross notes.
- If you are still not sure, try the four questions and hand in what you have.  On the page leave me a note about which part you are struggling with, so that I can plan for Monday.
- Then move on to the traits survey and Mitosis and Meiosis.  Please don't spend all of your time waiting on Dihybrids.
June 1

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week of May 23 - 25


What we did
Victoria Day
SIP Day - No School
1) Finish up Genetics Vocabulary
2) Genetics Challenge
3) Evolution work through questions
4) Watch videos and work on Monohybrid crosses.

Finish watching the following videos as you follow along with your Genetics handout.
1) Finished Vocab
2) Started Genetics Challenge
3) Made up chardes actions for vocab
May 23
1) Genetic Challenge
2)  Evolution Question
3) Watch Videos and start Monohybrid cross questions
1) Hemophilia - X-linked Recessive was Challenge #2
2) Worked through evolution question #1b
3) Started watching Gregor Mendel Background videos.
May 24
1) Genetics Challenge
2) Evolution Question #2
3) Finish Watching Videos and start working on Monohybrid cross questions.
1) Genetic Disorder discussed - Cri-du-Chat
2) Reviewed Evolution questions
3) watched videos and some people started solving monohybrid crosses.
May 25

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Week of May 14 - 18


What we did
1) Finish up the Genetics Vocabulary. Remember you were working with this on paper or you were making an online glossary. (you could choose to use a google doc and share it with others and build the glossary together.)
2) Start watching the following videos as you follow along with your Genetics handout.
May 14
1) Wrap up any questions from Unit 2.
2) What do we want to do with Evolution section?
3) Finish Genetics
- Vocab with Game
1) Continued reviewing the last few topics from lunch study session.
2) Reminded to check the Cells Sample Exam Questions
3) Worked on Vocabulary
May 15
EXAM  - Room will be open at 12:30 to start writing early.
May 16
Follow up Exam Question (20 minutes)

1) Wrap up vocabulary - game
May 17
1) Exams back
2) Finish vocab
3) Work through Intro to genetics and Monohybrid crosses.
May 18

Friday, May 4, 2012

Week of May 7 - 11


What we did
1) Examine the last page of your Photosynthesis/ Cellular Respiration package.
- Read through the similarities and differences of PS and CR.
- Note any questions that you have for Wed.

--> Complete the cells post assessment.  Keep until we can correct on Wed.
2) Finish up the worksheets on PS and CR
a) How plants make food.
(5 minutes)
b) Critical Thinking -Worksheet 6-1
(5 minutes and then move on)
c) How Plants and Animals Use Food (5 minutes)
d) Work on Photosynthesis & Respiration - The Skill: Analyzing Processes
-- Spend about 10 - 15 minutes working through this example.
3) Evolution:
- Check to make sure that your assigned question is completed and updated on the google presentation page.
4) Next you can start on the Genetics Unit Vocabulary Pre-Load
(the sub will have this handout for you.)
- you can work together with your table group or with a couple other people or individually
- find and add the definitions and give an example if you can.
***You can create a google doc version of the vocab if you want or you could build them right into Quizlet as flash cards.
5) Please ask for the Genetics Handout and watch the following videos.
May 7

Today you need to be working on the following:
1) Evolution: (5min)
- Check to make sure that your assigned question is completed and updated on the google presentation page.
2) Next you can start on the Genetics Unit Vocabulary Pre-Load
(the sub will have this handout for you.)
- you can work together with your table group or with a couple other people or individually
- find and add the definitions and give an example if you can.
-aim to have this part finished

***You can create a google doc version of the vocab if you want or you could build them right into Quizlet as flash cards.
3) Please ask for the Genetics Handout and watch the following videos.
May 8
1) Reminders
- Correct Cells Post- Assessment
2) Review PS/CR
3) Leaf Lab
We corrected and reviewed:
- PS/CR compare/contrast
- Cells Post Assessment
- All the worksheets
**remember the Elodea in light and dark worksheet is an exam question that you can work and prepare yourself for.
See updates below for the assessment changes:
May 9
Study Session at 12:30- Moved to Monday
QUIZ - Photosynthesis

Leaf Lab
1) Reviewed PS
2) Wrote PS quiz
3) Worked through part 1 of the leaf lab
May 10
1) QUIZ - Cellular Respiration

Exam - Unit 2 - moved to Tuesday
Rubric question for exam to be completed on Wed.

2) Finish up Leaf Lab - Parts 2 & 3

3) Wrap up unit
- i.e. a few transport in cells reviews
1) Wrote quiz
2) Finished up lab
(made stomate and guard cell slides; posted a picture from the microscope to your website)
May 11