Welcome Back to School!!


Friday, November 26, 2010

Week of Nov. 29 - Dec. 3

What we did
I) Chat with Grade 5 
II)  Review Diffusion/Osmosis - application questions.
Cell membrane WS review.
III) ATP - REview Google Doc and Powerpoint

1) Skyped with Grade 5s for Wonder Why and reviewed Photosynthesis
2) Worked through examples of application level questions for Diffusion and Osmosis
3) Worked through cell membrane diagram
4) Worked through ATP google doc - started our own notes.
Nov. 29
I) Chat with Grade 5 
II)  Review Diffusion/Osmosis - application questions. (#5,6,7)
Cell membrane WS review. (First 2 diagrams)
1)  Wrap up ATP
2) Start Photosynthesis
Confirm afterschool study session time:
1) Skype session
2) Reviewed Photosynthesis from what we have learned from the grade 5s.
3) Finished practice diffusion/osmosis questions.
4) Worked through cell membrane ws.
5) Brief wrap up of ATP
Nov. 30
I) Chat with Grade 5 
II)  Cell membrane WS review.

1. Wrap up ATP
2. Human Model and Block demo of ATP
3. Photosynthesis

Lunch Study Session @ 12:30 - moved to Thursday.
1) Finished ATP and demos
2) Wrapped up Cell Membrane WS
3) STarted Photosynthesis
Dec. 1
1) Skype with Grade 5s
2) Any questions about transport
3) Key Concept Handout
4) Photosynthesis
Lunch Study Session @ 12:30

1) No Skype today
2) Reviewed for quiz
3) Handed out key concepts
4) Worked through photosynthesis
Dec. 2
Transport in Cells Quiz

1) Skype
2) Photosynthesis Role Play
3) Cellular Respiration.
** It's my birthday... maybe we should revisit the Carbs & Lipids section of the course through cake??
Dec. 3

Friday, November 19, 2010

Week of November 22 - 26

What we did
First Five Minutes:
- Chat with Grade 5 Buddy
Sub Plan:
Have you planted your plant?

a) Find a partner and spend 10-15 minutes (max) formulating your plan for a diffusion/osmosis demo.  This will happen Wed or Thurs this week.

-           You  can brainstorm an idea or you can search online for ideas

c.       Next work on the Hypertonic/Hypotonic/Isotonic - Diffusion/ Osmosis Review handout 25 minutes

Here is the Google Doc link to the question part of the assignment: Link

Next work on the Membrane Worksheet – Sub will handout to you. 

- Please complete section B 1-6, (on the back page - *1, *3 *4)
- This should take approx. 15-20 minutes

If done the above then work on:
d.        creating a quizlet review to post up on the wiki that reviews the material that we have taken so far in the unit.

1) Hand in your Wonder Why if you have not done so already.
- WW presentations start on Tuesday.  Send me an email if you are willing to go first.
November 22
First Five Minutes:
- Chat with Grade 5 Buddy
1) How did Monday go?
2) Finalize the following:
- Career Skype Session
- Transport in Cells Quiz and format
3) Type of solutions - Review Hyper/Hypo/Isotonic Solutions.
4) Review of ATP
Here is the wonder why page:
Nov. 23
First Five Minutes:
- Chat with Grade 5 Buddy
1) Wonder Why
2) Finish Diffusion Osmosis Worksheet
3) Cell Membrane complete one part each day.
4) ATP info
Link for ATP Doc:

1) Presented WW to grade 5s
2) Worked through Diffusion and Osmosis
3) Hypo/Hyper/Isotonic
4) Started google doc on ATP
Nov. 24
First Five Minutes:
- Chat with Grade 5 Buddy
WW - by MH
** Set-up your experiment for Diffusion and Osmosis -
1) Review one question from Diffusion/Osmosis handout
2) Check ATP - Doc
** Can we record the experiment with the netbook?

1) WW and Skype chat with Grade 5s - topic - Careers
2) Set up Diffusion and Osmosis Experiment
Nov. 25
First Five Minutes:
- Chat with Grade 5 Buddy
WW - by____

1) Review and report on Diffusion/Osmosis Lab

then two options:
A)  Review a question from the diffusion/osmosis worksheet and one from the cell membrane ws.
ii) ATP - review google doc and powerpoint

B)) Plant and Animal Cells Lab

To be handed in:
- Plant cell drawing
- Animal cell drawing

Nov. 26

Friday, November 12, 2010

Week of Nov. 15 - 19

What we did
First 5 minutes:  Chat with your grade 5 buddy.  Today's topic  What do you want for Christmas?
1) Reminders:
Upcoming Quiz
Have you planted your plant?
2) Review of Cell Parts - Quizlet or cell cross word
3) Review of Transport in Cells - review actions and role plays (video and post)
- Handout reference. (Powerpoint with fill in the blanks.)  - Student created wiki pages.
- Design an experiment to demonstrate diffusion/osmosis.
examples: potatos, can someone bring an egg?
4)  What Big Questions have we learned about?
- Discuss
5) Review: Similariteis and difference between a plant and animal cell.
6) Prokayotic and Eukaryotic
7) Hypertonic/Hypotonic/Isotonic.
Survey Completion:
Please complete the following survey based on your work with the netbooks when we first got them.

1) Discussed basic reminders:
- Quiz Wed.
- Plant your plant by Friday - See Mrs. Painchaud if you don't have seeds
- Switch up some of the groups
- Every week: Wed at 12:30 is study/review session; Thursdays from 3:10 - 4:00
November 15
First 5 minutes:  Chat with your grade 5 buddy.  Today's topic  _____

1) Complete survey to the right
2) Review parts of the cell
3) Review and film transport in cells actions (renact the role plays)
4) Find a partner 10 minutes to plan your osmosis/diffusion experiment for Friday
5) Review: Similariteis and difference between a plant and animal cell.
6) Prokayotic and Eukaryotic
7) Hypertonic/Hypotonic/Isotonic.
Please complete this survey based on your knowledge before we started the 1:1 time.


1) Completed Survey
2) Reviewed parts of the cell
- Set class goalsfor quiz

November  16
Cell Parts Quiz1) Plant and Animal Cell Differences - check handout

2) Eukaryotic/Prokaryotic

3)Review and film transport in cells actions (renact the role plays)

4) Find a partner 10 minutes to plan your osmosis/diffusion experiment for Friday

5) Hypertonic/Hypotonic/Isotonic
1) quiz
2) Reviewed plant and animal cell differences from handout.
3) Made notes on Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells

November  17
First 5 minutes:  Chat with your grade 5 buddy.  Today's topic  _____

Google Apps - What is it how can we use it?

Any questions for Mr. Kezema about Skype?
TEST RUN:  Follow this link see if you can edit or view and then let us know.

We signed into google apps and practiced using google docs.
November  18
First 5 minutes:  Chat with your grade 5 buddy.  Today's topic  _____
1) Plan for Monday

2) Review and film transport in cells actions (renact the role plays)

3) Find a partner 10 minutes to plan your osmosis/diffusion experiment for Friday

4) Hypertonic/Hypotonic/Isotonic - see worksheet on the back of the x-word review.

5) Osmosis/Diffusion Experiments - Set Date
** Cell membrane discussion google doc link: https://docs.google.com/a/nesd.ca/document/d/1p86uiH7leUDyhhDvuM9D3-M0rO6UTcCpAL8MDHR5-Lc/edit?hl=en&authkey=CJvAtL0N

1) Planned for Monday

2) Filmed actions for transport in cells

3) Reviewed Transport in Cells using the powerpoint

4) Discussed osmosis/diffusion demo

5) Started Hyper/Hypo/Isotonic
November 19

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Monday, November 8 & Tuesday, November 9

What we did
RNA Trancription - Protein Synthesis Assignment - Due
By end of this week (ie. Tuesday), you need to have planted your plant.
1)  - Chat with your Grade 5 buddy - 5 minutes - through WIKI DISCUSSION.

Review from Friday.
2) Complete a quizlet review - for cell parts - Reminder of Cell Parts Quiz Date
--- everyone must complete and post a quizlet review with a partner or as an individual in this unit.  Only one was posted so far.
3) Transport in Cells 
November 8
Chat with Grade 5 buddy: School Environment

- Have you planted your plant?

- Review Quizlet - Cell Parts

- Last call for assignments.

1) Wrap up Transport in Cells
2) Next week - you will have 1/2 an hour to complete an experiment on hyper/hypo/isotonic solutions.  You will have some research time on one day and the next day will be the experiment.  You will work with a partner of your choice.
November 9
Student Led Conferences
November 10
Remembrance Day - No School
November 11
SIP Day - No School
November 12